BeSci Lab
BeSci Consulting
for research
for teaching
Individual innovation and creativity: An interdisciplinary mapping of creative cognition
Peer reviewers’ dilemmas: a qualitative exploration of decisional conflict in the evaluation of grant applications in the medical humanities and social sciences
Covert eye-tracking: an innovative method to investigate compliance with instructions
Motors of influenza uptake and vaccination advocacy in healthcare workers
Motors of influenza uptake and vaccination advocacy in healthcare workers
Development and validation of the treatment self-regulation questionnaire assessing healthcare professionals’ motivation for flu vaccination (TSRQ-Flu)
Applying Social Judgment Theory to better understand what peer reviewers pay attention to when evaluating fellowship grant proposals.
The moderating effect of autonomy on promotional health messages encouraging healthcare professionals to get the Influenza vaccine
Insight as discovery
Mapping systemic resources in problem solving
Is psychology a crisis-ready discipline?
Incubation and Interactivity in Insight Problem Solving
How worthy are mine excellent papers?
Open science and reproducible literature searches
Motors of influenza vaccination uptake and vaccination advocacy in healthcare workers: A comparative study in six European countries
Strategies to increase vaccine acceptance and uptake: From behavioral insights to context-specific, culturally-appropriate, evidence-based communications and interventions
Motors of influenza vaccination uptake and vaccination advocacy in healthcare workers: Development and validation of two short scales
Planning in Action: Interactivity Improves Planning Performance
Cognition beyond the classical information processing model: Cognitive interactivity and the Systemic Thinking Model (SysTM)
Interactivity mitigates the impact of working memory depletion on mental arithmetic performance
Insight with hands and things
Reflections on Prospect Theory by Prof D. Kahneman
Cognitive events in a problem-solving task: A qualitative method for investigating interactivity in the 17 animals problem
Diagrams, jars, and matchsticks: A systemicist's toolkit
The 5As: A practical taxonomy for the determinants of vaccine uptake
Interactivity fosters Bayesian reasoning without instruction
Learning and interactivity in solving a transformation problem
The spatio-temporal dynamics of systemic thinking